Send in your pet

Let's go!

Here's how it works!

Capture and upload a cherished photo of your pet.
Our artists transform your pet's photo into unique pixel art.
We print this design on your chosen product and promptly ship it.

It's that simple!

  • 1. Take a Picture of Your Pet

    Capture the unique charm and personality of your pet by taking a clear, high-quality photo. Make sure their distinctive features and expressions are clearly visible for the best possible outcome.

  • 2. Upload and Send Your Pet's Picture

    Visit our website and upload your pet's picture using our easy-to-use interface here. Once you've submitted the photo, our team of skilled artists and designers will begin working on transforming your pet into a unique pixel art masterpiece.

  • 3. We Print Your Custom Design

    Our team takes your pet's photo and creates a personalized, one-of-a-kind pixel art design that is then printed onto the product of your choice. Whether it's a t-shirt, hoodie, or mug, we ensure high-quality prints that vividly bring your pet's likeness to life.

  • 4. We Pack and Ship Your Order

    Once your product is printed and ready, we carefully package it to ensure it's protected during transit. Your unique pet pixel art product is then shipped directly to your doorstep, ready for you to enjoy or gift to a loved one. Then, it will become available for everyone to shop.

Or shop other people's buddies!